Hi Everyone!

Hello Everyone!  If you are reading this then you have stumbled upon the very first blog done for Bible Missionary.  It will be brief I assure you as it is getting late and I am really just testing out the functions of this software.  All that being said let me encourage you if you are reading this with a bit of Scripture. Romans 1:16 tells us not to be ashamed of the Gospel.  You see the Good News of Jesus brings life to those who are perishing.  If we are ashamed to not only Share that Good News but also if we are ashamed to live out this Good News then we have a serious issue.  If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins then we should be looking for every opportunity to share that truth with others.  However, culture wars against this truth and unfortunately we as Christians sometimes either avoid the Gospel all together or even go as far as to hide it from our "Non-Christian" friends.  Be encouraged today to not be ashamed of your Savior.  If you have to hide who you are from your friends are you really being a good friend at all?  Furthermore, if you have news that will save your friend's life, what does it say about you if you won't even live it out with them let alone tell them about it?  It is not complicated!  Just seek Jesus and live your life according to His will for you!  If you will truly seek Him I believe you will avoid missing opportunities to share the Good News with others.  
Thanks for reading! (Next one will be much more involved! This is just a test!)
- Pastor Matt
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