Media Message Winter 2023


Vol. VI Published quarterly by BMBC’s Church Media Library Winter 2023


The Card
Greeting card companies report that Valentine’s Day is second only to Christmas for the most
cards purchased for a particular observance. First appearing in the 15th century, valentines took the form of hand-written letters and poems. The oldest valentine on record (a poem written by Charles, the Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was being held as a political prison) dates back to 1415 and is now housed in the British Library in London, England. History traces the exchange of hand-made valentines in the United States as far back as the 1700’s. Printed cards did not come on the scene until the 1900’s when improvements in printing technology made that transition possible. Today, it is estimated that about 150 million valentine cards
are sent each year. (To read more about the history of valentines, see books classified 394.26 in the church media library.)

The Legends 
According to Webster’s dictionary, a legend is a story from the past which is considered historical but cannot be verified. Such is the story of the man for whom Valentine’s Day is named. Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as St. Valentine’s Day at the end of the 5th century and outlawed the celebration of Lupercalia, an ancient pagan fertility festival held on the 15th . The name Valentine can be associated with several different men, all of whom are recognized by the Catholic Church as martyred saints. Several legends surround one of those men, a priest
who served in Rome during the 3rd century. When Emperor Claudius II decreed that single men
could no longer marry because they made better soldiers than men with families, Valentine secretly continued to officiate marriage ceremonies. He was eventually imprisoned and sentenced to death for his defiance. One legend suggests that he may have sent the very
first valentine when he sent a love letter to his jailer’s daughter signed, “From your Valentine.”
Another story credits Valentine as a hero who helped Christians escape the tortures of Roman
prisons. These legends secured Valentine’s reputation as a compassionate, courageous and romantic individual. (To read these and other legends, see books classified 398.2 in the church
media library.

Before his retirement to the farm near Centerville, Pastor Art Burkam donated the following
cassette tapes to the church family. They are wonderful aides for in- depth Bible study. For
years, they sat forgotten inside a cabinet in the library. In loving memory of Pastor Art, the library team has organized and prepared these guides for check-out. A cassette player is also available for use by library patrons. Most of the tapes were recorded by Dr. David L. Hocking while he served as lead pastor of The Brethren Church, in Long Beach, CA. He was both
an interesting and informative Bible teacher. These tapes are housed in boxes in the following
Box # Title #of Tapes
1. Daniel (9), Jonah(2), and Nehemiah (4)
2. Genesis (13)
3. Zechariah (7) and Galatians (7)
4. John (15)
5. John (13)
6. I Corinthians (24)
7. Ephesians (2 sets of 6)
8. I Timothy (6) and (1 John (6)
9. Hebrews (15)
10. Hebrews (10)
11. Acts (17)
12. Revelation (15)
Pastor Art’s gift also includes the following bundles of tapes:
1. After the Spirit Comes by Jack R. Taylor (5)
2. This Gift Is Mine by Ralph W. Neighbor, Jr. (5)
3. Spiritual World Series by Dr. David L. Hocking (5)
4. The Beatitudes by Dr. David L. Hocking(4)
5. Daniel [an older edition] by Dr. David L. Hocking (6)

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15, KJV

Each year, Woman’s Missionary Union publishes the Missions Traveler, a colorful magazine filled with instructive articles concerning the country selected for the International Mission
Study. Through this magazine, we learn about the customs, geography, history, religions, and culture of the people groups whom our SBC missionaries serve. Prayer needs become
evident as we read about cultural barriers to the gospel in each country. The Missions Traveler magazines are stored in the church media library and can be checked out for personal study. The latest issues are as follows:
1. 2022 Philippines
2. 2021 Prague (Czech Republic)
3. 2020 Mexico
4. 2019 Refugees of Myanmar (Burma)

Some great books are on display in the church window decorated for Valentine’s Day. All of
these have the same topic: unconditional love. All are available for check-out!

Listen, Love, Repeat by Karen Ehman tells the reader how to live an others-centered life.

The Beloved Disciple by Beth Moore takes us to the heart of Jesus as we follow the Gospel of John.

Make Love Your Aim by Eugenia Price offers lessons in learning to love as God does through
biblical example.

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers is a touching novel about God’s unconditional love
and forgiveness.

Love and Laughter by Marjorie Holmes uses the ordinary experiences of a wife and mother to delight her readers as she turns them into treasured adventures with compassion and humor.

Seeing the Heart of Christ by Bill Crowder explains how Jesus cares for hurting people.

Loving Christ by Joseph M. Stowell presents his thoughts on recapturing one’s love for Jesus.


Visit the church media library to borrow a jigsaw puzzle to put together. When it’s finished, return it to the library and check- out another one! We are now accepting gently used, boxed puzzles from anyone willing to donate them for our collection.

Puzzle of the Month:
Summer Evening by Henry Petersen (ready for check- out)

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit…” Hebrews 4: 12a, KJV

Teach new believers how to fill their quivers with the arrows of God’s Word, so His Spirit can lift those arrows from their heart and place them on the bow of their lips to spiritually pierce souls for Christ.” –Dawson Trotman

Director: Rita Mangum
Accessions: Carolyn Coates
Circulation: Jeanie Holbrook
Audio/Visuals: June Jenkins
Classification: Rita Mangum
Deborah Melancon
Mary Ann Cleaton
The library is always open for use by church members. Librarians are on duty to help patrons
fifteen minutes before and after church services. A library work day is scheduled on Thursdays
from 10AM to 2PM.

Volunteers are welcome!

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